Monday, June 6, 2011

How to Stop the [New] Enviroment Crisis

Now that we’ve found the real threat to the environment it’s time to think of some solutions based on our global warming champions:

Movement tax

Movement tax trade

Tax on vibrating phones

A cap on how much industries can move things around

More taxes on other random things

But how do we get the public to accept this very real threat?


Lots of commercials with polar bears, elephants, dead trees, and discoloured scenes of industries, complete with kids w/ funny accents from third world countries narrating. They can talk about how

“Our movement is causing Antarctica to move toward the equator causing it to melt and then the polar bears will have no place to live.

[scenes of polar bears and cute penguins]

and then the oceans will rise and the we will drown

[scenes of African kids looking very very sad, but they’re sad about the environment not being helped, not because we could be raising money for food or something]

You don’t hate kids, do you?

You don’t hate polar bears, do you?

Then join the fight against Global Continent Change

So donate to the GCCF

And vote for the tax on movement

That is

Unless you hate children”

There’s no way people could say no to that

After all, continent change has to be out fault.

Those right wing naysayers are just capitalist, selfish, piggish child murderers.

Who hate polar bears


So there we have it

The more money we raise

The better off the world is

Trust us

...but there is only so much we can do...

Eventually we will have to thin out the population

At this rate we will simply have no choice!

So I propose a tax on babies

And eventually a cap on babies

It’s for our future hello

The public won’t mind if we get them crazy enough about GCC

And then eventually we can collect the entire smaller population into one movement-controlled area where we can all live in utopian peace

So long as everyone listens to what they’re told.

It’s for our own good remember

Spread the word about GCC

It’s our fault, it has to be

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