Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bashing the Bochurim

Y'all spend an average of 2:28 of time here. The poll to the right will mean you'll be spending 2:29 of time. You know what could happen in one second? Pretty much nothing.


The mashpia here told me I should be a little more


Of the other bochurim

Even if they seem a little


Particularly during the girsa shiur

I spew verbal assaults

It’s a little spontaneous

And now I have a collection

It’s not that I’m mean

All the bochurim know I intend it all in good humor

But it is inspired by stupidity

Do the two neurons in your brain at least communicate sometimes?

You give Al-Qaeda purpose.

My goodness, please, just don’t have kids ok?

You want a sticker for that genius comment?

Is everyone in your family that stupid or are you just some genetic mistake?

Anybody who might care is in the hallway over there[The hallway is empty]

They make paper-shredders to make people like you feel better. At least something will accept your bright ideas.

It’s fine rabbi, it’s not like there’s any girls in this shiur aside for Mendy over there.’’

You really highlight your lack of testosterone.

I want to slap your mother right now.

I think a snail might beat you in chess.

If you had a brain I might call you slow.


  1. OMG I'm never ketting you near my kids! Of course, they wil all be smart but still, those comments are mean!

    (Really realy funny. If I ever need any good comebacks or one liners I know where to go ;) )

  2. That's terrible.
    Though I laughed at the "no girls in this shuir except for Mendy."

  3. Haha, these are good. The kind of things that can only be thought of on the spot.

  4. you're free to use them on any deserving soul

  5. I might just do that... people should be scared haa

  6. will you marry me? we'd have some spunky kids!

  7. Uhu I'll make sure he gets the marriage proposal. I'll even be the shadchan, how about that?

  8. woweeee!! sounds like a plan to me, hook it up baby! my friend got married through these blogs, why not me ;)

  9. Ok if you are serious, email me.

  10. oh boy, already I have a proposal and a shadchan. and that's from doing nothing these past two days. that's like even more profound that delivery pizza.

  11. first off how old is dovid? maybe im even too old for him. second off im a still want me to email you?

  12. Email me nonetheless. No use giving personal info here.

  13. first off BT's are amazing, I dare someone to argue. Having trouble gauging whether or not this is a joke, I mean, that WOULD be pretty random!

  14. lol staples just throw yourself at them why don't you ;)

  15. of course, anyone could just email ME and find out my age, when & how I plan to wed, my plans for the future etc.

  16. can i just add you on facebook?? ;);)

  17. ps the best things come when theyre not expected!

  18. Is the wink supposed to suggest sarcasm?

  19. online shadchanim are as bad as real live ones ;) i actually have more faith in you altie!

  20. I'm still waiting for your email.

  21. Facebook sounds good to me, it would remove the INREDIBLY anoying anonymous factor and finally quell the seething curiousity.
