Sunday, July 19, 2009

Why Blog Anyway?

Why blog? It seems pointless. All it is you’re doing is writing down your thoughts about certain subjects. Well, then you might ask, why keep a journal? Why comment on an online news article? Why write an opinion to the newspaper? Because, like blogging, I they’re a way to organize your thoughts and, more importantly, network with other people.

Networking is the main accomplishment of blogging. If it were more effective for organizing your thoughts then you might as well keep a journal. In fact many employers and colleges are beginning to Google their applicants to find out more about them! But by putting forth your perspective, insights, opinions, and just miscellaneous rants, you give people the opportunity to peer into your real thought process. Through a blog people can discover the true intrigue behind perfect strangers. A blog publicizes your personality. If they don’t like it, they can just move on, but if they feel impressed, agreeable, or even if they want to argue about it, they are able to give their feedback. In turn a circle begins to grow; people following other peoples lives, thoughts and opinions; commenting, conversing, and arguing about it; and creating a market of exchanging ideas. Or perhaps someone might just find entertainment, inspiration, or information just by passively keeping track of a particular blog.

For me, bloging is about networking, discovering people whose thoughts interest me and having others stumble upon mine. But it’s nonetheless different for everyone. For others it may still be just about keeping track of their thoughts and for others it may spawn from pure boredom. Whatever the personal reason, it comes down to sharing.

Sharing your thoughts. Your opinions. Your life.

1 comment:

  1. like an electronic journal. except be careful wut u right, cuz itll be out there for the world to see FOREVER. and u cant take it back, even if u hit delete.

    but it is cool to get a glimpse into someone elses existance, in addition to your own.
