Thursday, January 28, 2010


China. Pesach. What a swell idea. If we’re on this side of the hemisphere anyway, how could we not make some sort of attempt to get ourselves there? And therefore that is exactly what Adam Finck and I have decided to do. We have the perfect excuse to go; Pesach. How could things work out any better?

Our primary strategy for getting ourselves to the wild wild East is work. Of all of Asia, I found only two Pesach hotels and one is in Guan China (the other is in Nepal). I can’t think of a better set-up; getting jobs as mashgichim, flown to China, and paid all the while! I myself worked under R Morris of the OK last Pesach (which I must add; was amazing) and I left a strong impression (I was called again to work at a restaurant in NY. He also said I would definitely be working wherever he is again next year. Of course, that was before I knew I’d be in Australia) which will be real handy should I need a reference. We wrote cover letters for ourselves and are yet to email them in. Hopefully we’ll get hired (heck we’ll work for free if it means a ticket to China).

If not then we have a plan B; Shlichus! Adam and I know the Shliach of Beijing’s cousin who could put in a word for us. Two bochurim want to come help out and they’re gonna pay for most (or all) of their ticket. You tell me what Shliach would say “nahh I don’t need the free help.”

Realistically, getting jobs as mashgichim is probably unlikely, which means we have to start thinking about fundraising now. That should be a pinch. Of course we still have as a source, but also, when we were working in camp, we discovered that we had wicked creative ability when it came to writing witty and funny lyrics of songs and skits (it was a whole show we did). Apparently, here in Melbourne, Purim is when all the bochurim go out and collect cash for shlichus. Therefore Purim is going to be our big go-out-and-get-cash day as well. We just have to put together a great presentation, and go door-to-door wowing (and collecting from) our fellow Jews.

So far, just about every big thing I’ve pursued so far has come to fruition. I’d say in a few months I’ll be writing about how cool it is to be in China.


  1. :) thanks for making me smile.

    that is awesome!! i really hope it works out for u, China sounds cool.

    u are gonna have a super fun purim, wish i was there.

  2. Oh yes I hope so. We're allready planing a mad party

  3. so are you going to china in the end?
