Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Box of Evil Inclination

I got a box. It was from my grandparents in Colorado. It was sweet but seemed kind of random. I couldn’t fathom what it would be for. However when I opened it it immediately became apparent. The chocolates and card encased in a pink envelope indicated that this was a Valentine’s day package. I am the only bochur who got something for Valentine’s day. It was perfectly normal. It doesn’t matter how old I am, whether I’m in yeshiva or college - heck I could be a rav in a huge shul, My grandparents will always send me something three times a year; Chanuka, my birthday, and Valentine’s day.

I laughed off the irony and rummaged through the box. What immediately caught my eye was a canister of chocolate covered almonds. Mmmmm. My granparents, knowing that I’m Jewish and keep kosher, only get me things from the local kosher mart so I didn’t have to worry before popping one in my mouth. The wonderful chocolate flavor burst into my taste buds accompanied by the savory crunchy texture of the almond within. Ohhh it was sooo good.

Then it dawned upon me. Chocolate covered almonds, chocolate hearts, and caramel lollipops. My grandparents made sure it was all kosher. But they didn’t know anything about cholov Yisroel! No way. I looked at it with fiery eyes. It would have been better if they had just sent non-kosher stuff. It would be better if I didn’t already taste it. I looked at the goodies. The goodies looked at me. I figured I’d be nice and give it to the non-Jewish cooks, but when I got up to leave the box called my name. the taste of the almond lingered in my mouth and the goodies laid there in their seductive pose just calling to me. The temptation burned within, clawing through my chest, OMG just one more! I knew what must be done. I picked up the box, rushed out the room, down the hallway, and sent the box plummeting into the abyss of the rubbish bin. I went back to my room relieved. I rid myself of the evil spirits of temptation. Still, you could always take it back out…

1 comment:

  1. :) you did the right thing. and as they say, anything that tastes THAT good must be treif.
