Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday Nights

Friday nights have a new meaning here

Sitting by the yeshiva meal


For that first hour to be up

For the moment where we can leave

The clock ticks so painfully slow





Me and three fiends

The three best guys here

Quickly grab our coats

But not to go ‘hang out’

Nor go for a walk

Not for a sholom zachar either


Rather to a place just down the road

Where we sing nigunim the whole night long

Aye it’s so nice first walking in

So happy to see you, so welcoming

As if we’re family come in from out of town

We talk a bit

And then we sing

First Friday night zmiros

The classic YG tune




The Pilpul nigun is next

Pada v”Shalom right after

Followed by L”chatchilla Ariber

The first niggun I ever learned

When we sing my gaze phases out

As I lose myself in the melody


With every key my chest swells!

I get so excited!

I want to jump and wave my fists and hit the table!

The nigunim are so tangible!

But I don’t

With enormous restraint I only sway to and fro

And bottle it up inside me

We sing other familiar nigunim

Many of which remind me of things past

Of long drives to LA

Sailing through the desert night

Car window cracked to let in cool dry air

Parents softly speak

A CD plays these very tunes

More stars than you could possibly count

Occasionally one falls in burning death

As a little boy dozes off to these same sweet songs

He makes a wish on that shooting star

Because that’s what little boys do

But he doesn’t wish for little boy things

Not for candy nor for toys

Rather for the future

That it be full of opportunities

And lots of lovely memories

What would he have thought if he could have known?

That it was for this that he wished?


  1. Hey! Why don't you use the time you have to wait to appreciate the fact that some of your wishes have been fulfilled?
    If you wouldn't have the wait you'd appreciate it less!

  2. that song you seen Friday night that has hectic kabbalistic lyrics.

    I'd appreciate it just the same but for LONGER!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wished on that star, too. And this is also what I wished(I have tears in my eyes.)

  5. It's ttrue those niggunim are pwerful and we're priveleged to share them . let all homes have unlocked doors. you're welcome every shabbos
