Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Great Pilgrimage/ Crown Heights Quirks

The young American man of our story has finally joined the great pilgrimage to the world hotspot, the Vegas of Chabad, the Mecca of Lubavitch: Crown Heights.

Would take more pictures

but don't wanna look like a tourist

It’s like being 17 again

All the memories of teenage years are here

Everything looks just the same as it was

Every unfinished project and renovation…

…Is still unfinished

That pink spot is still there…

…That makes five years of that pink spot

All the stores are the same

Except for some small changes

…And they’re more expensive

All the cookies are still in the exact position as last year

They still have not fixed that bench

A succa made of cardboard

If it rains they are so screwed

Everything smells the same…

…except Eastern Parkway still smells like chickens.


The best part

Ice cream!

Cuz it’s hot

Coffee mocha

Vanilla chocolate chip

Cookies and cream

All on one cone



And now all over that nice jacket.