Sunday, September 13, 2009

Arizona Nightlife

Every other night I go out jogging and I noticed the amount of company I had. It’s amazing how the weather here dictates our activities. It’s too hot to do anything during the day so everyone stays inside or works. But at night, that’s when all the populace come out to play.

I’m coasting down the road and I notice that the place is rather abuzz with activity. Under the light of the stars and moon above, people come out to walk their dogs, to jog, bike-ride, sit in their lawns talk and have beers, a baseball game is underway at the high school, and I myself am heading over to the track for a nighttime run. It’s like the whole Arizona is nocturnal.

On top of how nice it is to see others out and about under the moonlight, Arizona nights are one of the most unique in the country, especially during monsoon. Being we’re in the valley, there is too much heat radiating from the ground for the storm clouds infiltrate our city. But at night the heat dissipates and they begin to creep in from all fronts. As I jogged around the track I enjoyed the steady breeze coming from the east and it was quite thrilling as the clouds came in from all around me, lightning flashing repeatedly from all sides, and having only a small patch of starlit and moonlit sky above me like the eye of a hurricane. I love living here.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad you're leaving it all behind soon. It sounds very pretty there.
