Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bochur Knowledge

Now I knew not all the bochurim here would be the most savvy people in the world. I've gathered some of my favorite bits of wisdom my fellow peers:

  • It's debatable if penguins have feathers.
  • Your skin becomes tan because of protein
  • Airplanes dump their waste directly into the air. It disintegrates before it hit the ground
  • There are medicines that just make you arm fall off as opposed to amputation
  • Bacteria turns into bugs
  • The reason there is no gravity in space is because everything would fall down
  • The (scientific) definition of fruit is anything that's sweet (and again some say it's the protein).
  • Oh and apparently America is suffering from a huge cholov-yisroel milk shortage. However Obama is now involved and is brokering a deal w/ Israel to import milk. I had no idea
And then when I seemingly giggle for no reason they look at me strangely.


  1. is it just me, or are they idiots?

  2. No altie, you are an idiot as well. Funny post, keep up the good work, and enjoy it down there (its summer is it not?)

  3. If I'm an idiot, then there's not much hope for the rest of the world.

  4. haha well at least there's never a dull moment. It'll be Summer in about a wekk or two. So weird!
