Tuesday, December 1, 2009

An Awkward Moment in St Kilda

I'm taking an early morning jog to St Kilda beach and back. On my way back to yeshiva I reach into my pocket for my Palm to check the time. Rats. I forgot it in my room. However I see a woman walking the opposite direction as me. Good then, I shall ask her for the time. When our paths cross (across the road from a church) I stop and inquire the time. A quarter-to-six is what I learned. "What brings you out here this time of the morning?," she asks. "Just taking a morning jog.," I reply, "You?" "I'm just working." Now we're in a residential part of the road and I see no venue that would offer work of any sort. "Working? Where?" "Right here on this corner" I should have taken the hint but of course I naively blurt, "Here? Doing wha-... oh, well uh ahem that's nice I gotta go hope things are good." I turn away as she replies, "things are usually good but it's been slow lately." "Oh well uh the weekend's coming so things should pick up right? really running late now" and I continue my jog back bewildered at how humdrum that seemed to be.