Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Advantage of Babies

It’s one of those random memories that hit you for some reason.

In this case it was the sight of a baby


Little menuuuchaaaa as we all would say

It was back in the days of NY, when a few guys went to Brattleboro VT for Shavuos and our teacher, his wife, and baby came along.

The Rabbi and Mrs. went for a Shavuos walk and I looked after the baby

For pretty much the whole day

Here are some the perks:


Everybody stops when you want to cross the street and you’re pushing around a baby. It makes you feel powerful.


Feeling lonely, having a bad day etc? Nothing gets more ‘aw’s ‘oo’s and ‘oh how adorable/cute’s than a young guy taking a baby girl all around downtown.

The baby

Because she keeps trying to crawl to the chair, and I just grab her leg and pull her back, resulting in endless crawling, which for some reason is quite entertaining for both baby and me.

Other babies

Because walking down the street and passing by someone, I know mine is cuter than that hers.


  1. "Mine". Lol. Ready to be a Daddy?

  2. "Mine" as in, 'the one I am currently taking care of'
    as for my own? You can bet she/he'd be the cutest, smartest kid of all time.
