Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More of that Silent Dialogue

That silent dialogue again

Whenever the young man needs something

G-d gets him what he needs

if he’s a good boy.

“G-d, I’d really like to be in 770 for Rosh Hashona.

But I need money for the ticket.

If you want me to go, then help me out.”

Says the young man to G-d…

…7 days later…

A wedding!

The young man goes and dances,

He wears his Shobbos coat. The other one’s dirty

And there’s wine

And dancing,

And more wine

And more dancing

And more wine…

You see, you just don’t feel it when you’re dancing

At all

But when you sit down

Oooohhh boy.

…just finished dancing, sit down, five minutes later things are getting fuzzy, very fuzzy….ice cream…friends sitting around…talking about chess…here’s a L”chaim, a formidable amount of mashka, “L”chaim”…bentching, tea or something,



…… bed, it’s morning.


You have literally teleported through time and space.


Up-and-at-‘em for davening

Breakfast, learning, a normal Thursday



Off to the city for mivtzoim

But the weekday jacket is dirty

Wear the Shobbos one instead.

Everything’s the same as always.

…The whole day goes by…

…Right before Shobbos

Gotta empty your pockets!

A pen

Some paper

A pencil in my coat pocket

Hm, it’s stuck to some paper or something


Two hundred dollars!

Who gave me this!?

Thanks G-d! I knew you would.


  1. 200 dollars is enough for a ticket to NY for R"H? From Australia? Any idea where the money came from?

  2. no, it's not enough. But it is certainly on the way there! more than half!
