Wednesday, October 6, 2010

(Almost) too Hot for Chabad: Welcome to Home

Hello Australia and Israel, Canada and England, Belgium and Ireland, France and South Africa, and of course, my fellow Americans; welcome to the

Super awesome sunny tour of

Chandler Arizona

Cracking eggs on the ground will do nothing

But it’s still fun

And it’s still hot

We start at home

There’s a giant mushroom in the backyard!

Now we walk to shul

…and walk

…and walk

If it rains more than three drops everything just floods

The Wall

Here is a significant component to the community; the wall. It is this very wall that separates the two sides of the wall from each other. Every good chassid hops it to get to shul, even the rabbi. Just don’t scuff your shoes.

The Property

Here it is; the future of Chabad of Chandler. It’s been the community’s highlight piece of dirt. This is the very spot where that grand building will go up. It’ll be soon. If not sooner Then the future Rabbi Dovid and Mrs. Staples will be workin' on it too.

The Shul

Here it is! This is where it all happens, where everyone goes for Shobbos, where the pre-school is, where we sit on Tisha B”Av and where we get smashed on Simchas Torah. It’s every reason why we’re here baking in this heat.

Things to do: bowling

Here in Chandler, unless you have a car and unless you have money, there’s only two things to really do all the time. Bowling is one. Perfect for fast days. Just look at those fast-day scores

Things to do: slurpies

You cannot, as a Lubavitcher chassid, live in AZ w/out slurpies. And look! They decked out the place with tons of flavors! Let’s go check out the biggest size they have. Oh man that looks good.

And there you have it!

Chandler in a nutshell

now let's hop The Wall and go home

I wonder if that egg is done


  1. :) nice now I feel like I've actually been there. If I ever swing by your neighborhood I'll recognize everything.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "It is this very wall that separates the two sides of the wall from each other." Great verbiage. HAHA. Does a wall have any other purpose?

  4. It's not a giant mushroom. It's an upside down bird bath. Who would guess? The landlady said that she couldn't keep the birds out of it...DUH? So she turned it upside down.
    To the credit of our visionary shluchim here who had the foresight to purchase that land, and then suffer with our community through ecomonic depression and rising costs of building goods due to national calamities like Katrina, and all those weird tornadoes. No one could have made the tide move any faster on the project. It was going to be what it was going to be. It's going to be up before you and the "future Mrs. Staples" return to Chandler.

  5. good then it'll be easier to convince her to move back w/ me ;)
    A BIRD BATH!?!? egad! This whole time I was CERTAIN it was just a mushroom. no, it must be a bird bath designed to REVERSE INTO a mushroom.

    Altie all you nee to know is; where is Chabad and where are the slurpies

  6. Chabad is an easy one. and 7-11 always equals slurpees. Can't miss that. But I dont like slurpees.

  7. Try putting some aluminum foil under the eggs. Shiny side up.
