Thursday, April 15, 2010


All the bochurim know

I’m rather unconventional with my time learning

Perhaps I get through the subject matter too fast

I don’ think it would matter anyway

I discovered a phenomenon in zal. You can say whatever you want, as a loud as you want, and no one will even turn their head. I made this discovery while learning in Gemara about a cow that was;

Poopin’ on fruit!!

Nothing. Not that I was trying to get any attention, I didn’t even realize how loud I had said that term, but I found it funny that no one noticed I had shouted something so ridiculous. So it tied it again but even louder;

A cow

That was

Poopin’ on fruit!!!!

Nada. Amazing. There was no end to the potential here. I was curious now. How far could this go? It’s not a big zal, yet no one is noticing? I gathered three of my mates. Let’s pick a ridiculous term, and take turns saying that term, each one has to say it louder than the last one, and if you chicken out you lose. I won.

I found out this isn’t foolproof. The phenomenon has a flip side. That is, when you don’t want people to hear you, that’s when they do. For about 15 seconds, Alice in Wonderland was brought up. 15 seconds. All I wanted to know was “wait wait wait. I don’t understand, was the caterpillar smoking pipes or smoking hookah?” lo-and-behold, right behind me is R. Cohen, just looking at me in subtle bewilderment. He simply gave a soft shake of his head and went to his office.

I was speaking to my chavrusa. I was speaking about the silliness of bar-side pickup lines. Now it was a completely normal conversation, but of course, right in the middle of speaking, right when I looked at him and said, “You are the most beautiful woman in this room,” that was precisely the moment someone walked by, abruptly stopped, and kept walking.


  1. For some reason in Yeshiva if you are trying to get caught no one will pay attention but if you are trying not to get caught... you definitely will!

  2. Does it ever occur to you that you should forgo the urge to write about EVERYTHING that crosses your mind?

  3. :) but all the details of his very interesting and exciting life is fun to read. and makes my life a little less boring.

  4. if I wrote about EVERYTHING that crosses my mind, there would be a lot more posts about turtles

  5. oh yes, crabs! I wonder if there's a way to 'em onto my posts

  6. i tried copying and pasting. it didnt work.
