Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pesach Chronicals: Days 7-9; The Aftermath

Day 7

Morning after the Show

Came in for breakfast


The old people

[western shoot-out-movie music starts to play]

The old people loved it! Even the ones that actually had some idea of what I was saying. In fact one couple, whom twice I quoted directly (I said no names of course) came over to me and apologized for leaving, just that they were tired, But they said it was really entertaining and I had talent. Not a single elderly person threw cheese at me the entire breakfast.

Three more days to go. I had gotten to know some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. Rabbi Kluwgon said he wants us back next year. The girls had started working on a play that the kids were to perform. I knew it would be so cute. We worked in the kitchen. I figured out that if you make a whole bunch of different denominations of eggs, you didn’t have to worry much about I then. Just check on the supply once in a while. We worked and prepared and freed up enough time for a really nice family to take us to the zoo!

I pet a kangaroo for the first time!

And a koala!

Koalas look so wise.

Like Albert Einstein in bear form.

The Landau's took us go-carting after lunch. It was exciting. They go pretty flippin’ fast and the turns are tight. I figured out how to drift around the corners, I felt so badass. Needless to say, I won. It reminded me of how much I wanted to drive that golf cart.

It’s no fair.

I’m supposed to be able to use it!


Day 8

I have become a wine expert.

I know all the types that are here now.

Helped the girls with their play. It’s going to be so adorable. One kid pretty much has no idea what’s going on. It’s so cute. We all played jacks with the kids too. What a fun game. It’s like a casino, all the kids cheering you.

I got to level 9.

I realized how that Adam and I are the only non-family members that sit at the head table. Makes you feel kind of special. The mashgiach, the Jewish cook, the caterer and the girls all sit at their own table. I decided to fabreng with the rest of the staff for a change.

I have great co-workers.

That night the Landau's invited us on a night hike. I love them, they're so great. It was us, the family, the girls, and another couple.

It was a fun hike.

Why do girls freak out over anything remotely scary?

Day 9

Today we pack

The amount of dishes we have is: infinity

I have learned to play around 6 card games

It’s all there is to do sometimes

The kids play was fantastic

So cute

They did a very good job

I received my fourth suggestion for a shidduch

It wasn’t a bad choice either

They just don’t realize my age

I’ll be working here three years from now

Moshiach seuda

Fabrenged a bit

People wanted to hear how I became Jewish

Good story

Too long though

After yom tov

Are the keys in that golf cart?


Pesach Chronicals: Day 10; The Wrong Finale


  1. lol im reading the story backwords and its even funnier. love the shidduch thing. and now you have a job lined up for the next few pesachs. then you can get married and go back with your kids.

  2. indeed! except I really don't see myself in AU for that long, even if I did marry an ozzy gal
