Saturday, May 29, 2010

#100: Short Ode to the Other Blog

Blogging is gay

Writing is not

I don’t blog

I write

I suppose by default ‘100’ is a pretty significant number. That’s because it’s ten tens. Imagine if G-d gave us 11 commandments instead of 10. people would have been like, “No way.” 10 were just better for business. It’s more official. Therefore, for my 100th post it seems appropriate to briefly interrupt my crappy rants for an ode to the other blog.

The very existence of this entire black and white enterprise is completely indebted to the other blog and its author. I never ever in a million years would have decided to start writing, but I was convinced and encouraged to do so. I started even crapier than I am now; I was completely lacking personality, flair, and style, and just trying to project a few random half-baked things I thought the world might care an iota about.

Then I figured out something. I really enjoy writing. Moreover, just write for yourself. Quit trying to parade myself and feed the world what I think it wants, no one reads it anyway. My stuff developed personality and I actually have a good number of visitors now. Thanks mysterious readers who spend an average of 2 minutes and 23 seconds and then leave! But most of all, thanks other blog. I would have said ‘screw it’ a long time ago.


  1. :) hey that other blog is pretty good.

    Yay for 100! glad you are still writing.

  2. So you say you are a writer. You write about yourself. On a blog. Wouldn't that make you a blogger?


  3. i thought about that
    I'm not sure:
    either I'm a writer shamefully using a blog as a medium,
    or I really am a self-loathing blogger.
