Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Hopeless Play...Is Over

This play is a disaster

I said that around a billion times

When I’m stressed I say some sticky quotes

What’s in my head will get on that stage

Even if I have to smear my brains all over it

I actually have good news.

The play has gone from impossible

To highly improbable

Murphy’s law is written all over this.

I will friggin kick Murphy in the face

I was just now feeling completely lost

But I just had a bunch of wine

So I’m pretty confident now

I really really really need some kids to act

My [ahem] is not big enough to pull a whole show out of it.

You gotta be pretty dumb to back out of acting

Simply because you were informed

That yes

People will be watching the play

Yes. I realize there’s a lot of dieing

But that just means we all have shorter parts

This thing doesn’t have a chance.

That’s good

At least it’ll be better-than-expected no matter what.

They titled our play:

‘International Comedy Skit’

How did they do that…

We have 24 hours to make it funny

Lasers aren’t violent

They don’t even make you bleed

It’s over. I was thinking of tossing it Thursday, but didn’t. As a result I’m embarrassed, disappointed, and frustrated. I was told, ‘nonsense! People said they loved it!’ Well you really think anyone’s going to come up and say, ‘you know that was crappy.’ I don’t know. The idea was genius. I told the story of Bustinai, except all the Jews had lightsabers, the Persians were Imperial stormtroopers, I had a Star Wars soundtrack, I had a Boba Fett type character, and everyone had blaster rifles and laser pistols. I made Princess Dara Norwegian, and had a choreographed lightsaber fight as well. The play was an hour and ten minutes long and there was a large crowd that stayed the whole time. I guess that says something, but I’m not satisfied. I’m frustrated.

· Frustrated that there was only two weeks to come up w/ something and do it.

· Frustrated that I didn’t do something smaller

· Frustrated that I had no actors, I couldn’t get them myself and it seemed like no one would

· Frustrated that the kids wouldn’t show up for practice

· Frustrated that the kids didn’t read the script

· Frustrated that w/ just 3 full rehearsals it could have run smoothly enough to last 30-45

minutes and we would hardly have to close the curtains. We didn’t have one

· Frustrated that I made it so complicated

· Frustrated that I had no idea what to expect at the carnival

· Frustrated that the day of the play one of the main extras decided he didn’t want to be in it

· Frustrated that I was told we’d have clip on mics. Instead we had 2 handhelds

· Frustrated that I had no narrator

· Frustrated that I was told it was pushed till much later, then told I was on in 15 minutes

and I didn’t have time to dress the stormtroopers correctly

· Frustrated that someone told me to take off the laser guns, so I did, and it resulted in a solid 20 seconds of nothing during the final lightsaber fight scene

· Frustrated that scene changes took forever because no one rehearsed

· Frustrated that I didn’t just put the final fight right after they escaped from prison and then end w/ the credits in a wonderful fashion

· Frustrated that the sound system made the lasers sound like ominous rumbles

· Frustrated that I can’t hide behind anonymity because every one now knows that Dovid Staples was responsible for the play

But I’m also greatly relieved

· Relieved that the play even happened. The whole thing was a miracle

· Relieved that it was a heck of a lot better than I thought. I expected a true disaster

· Relieved that the first half was great

· Relieved that people did find it funny. They laughed, even if at times it was at our mistakes

· Relieved that I had two bochurim who worked really hard sewing costumes and building props the way I wanted and formatted the script so it was super easy to follow

· Relieved that a friend of mine found all the sounds, programs, music and a soundboard for all the audio I needed

· Relieved that one of the shluchim went through the script w/ me the night before and agreed to manage the stage so I could narrate

· Relieved that I had 2 bochurim working on nothing but an entertaining sword fight

· Relieved that my Norwegian Princess Dara was flippin’ awesome

I hated it. I’m sure some people liked it, but I label it as failed because of what it could have been. The second half was way to long and dragged out. I know my lessons for next time. I’m itching for a chance at redemption.

Hell, we all fail occasionally

But if we don’t at least risk failin’

We aint ever gonna succeed either

A ‘making of’ slideshow and vid to come


  1. :) i love your quotes.

    if may not have turned out as you'd like... and that's all to my sentence cuz you realized all of it on your own.


    shkoich for going through with it and not giving up even though in your opinion it flopped.

  2. Thanks Altie, and thanks for your enthusiasm! What would I have done if not for all those !!!s? Besides, I seem to be the only one who hated it :)

  3. “What’s in my head will get on that stage
    Even if I have to smear my brains all over it

    lol :)

  4. "Hell, we all fail occasionally
    But if we don’t at least risk failin’
    We aint ever gonna succeed either"

    And I've learnt that not all failures are complete failures.
    I now can understand better what you went through to create this and make it happen.

    -From one of the kids mentioned above
