Saturday, May 29, 2010

Regarding My Inappropiate Blog

We briefly met on the tram in which you expressed some problems you have with my blog. Due to the lack of time to address you, I promised I would put up a post in response to your concerns.

You had two main points:

· You feel that the content and style of my writing is not appropriate, not befitting, and I should change and not write such things.

· You are very upset that, according to you, a lot of girls are reading my writing.

Now allow me to explain why these claims are not sufficient cause for me to make any changes in the same order in which you presented them.

There is nothing crude, sexual, offensive, anti-religious, nor does it boast a worldly theme. Quite the contrary in fact, my blog contains many posts which are written to be inspiring, convey a mivtzoim story, or give a humorous account of life in yeshiva. You can find examples of what I mean in the navigation bar to the right under the title ‘Best of What’s Good’. I suggest you do some further reading before you condemn my writing as ‘inappropriate’ and ‘unbefitting’.

Further reason I feel no need to change anything is that I simply write the way I think. I’m not going to project an image of myself that does nothing but conform to the approval of the masses and is completely fake. I have no desire to please and satisfy 100% of the population and parade myself as something I’m not. I know a few who do just that and I think less of them for it. Why then, would I do the same? I write the way I think and speak. The way I think and speak is who I am. If you don’t like my writing then you probably won’t like me. I see no reason to put effort into something that is inevitably pointless. In addition, there are specific people that comprise my target audience. What I write is composed with these few people in mind.

Your second charge against me, which seems to be a major cause of vexation, is the alleged popularity amongst female readers. I don’t see how you could really say that with such confidence. I myself am aware of a number of visits from this country or that, but I have no way of knowing anything more. Not who they are nor their age and especially not their gender. Think carefully sir, are you sure you’re not just coming to conclusions based on a little information (i.e. you simply heard a girl mention it once)? If there are a growing number of female readers, then that wouldn’t rule out a growing number of male readers in relation to the female ones. In which case all you can really say is that there are a growing number of people reading.

Nevertheless let’s assume you are correct, and perhaps you are, and the majority of readers are indeed female. For your benefit I’ll go even further and construct a hypothetical situation in which all the readers are girls. Even in such a case, you view this as a problem and I do not. I have no idea who these girls you speak of are. I have no connection to them whatsoever. I have never spoken to them nor even met them and I don’t have a desire to. If they are reading my writing, it is because they find it entertaining, they are plain bored, or whatever puts your mind at rest. In addition, the two minutes they spend on my blog is probably a far healthier use of internet time than 90% of the other things people could be doing on the computer with that same time frame.

Considering all this, if you are still bothered by the supposed female readership then talk to the readers not the writer. If I were to stop writing or make it all bland and boring as you would like, it would in no way stop them from simply moving on to the next blog or Facebook page. Like I said, I write for a few specific people, if others also enjoy it, then so be it and I’m glad to be a source of online recreation. You feel that some of them shouldn’t be doing so? To put it simply; that’s not my problem. It’s yours.

There are only a few people who have a real business to prying into and demanding or suggesting things about my life and conduct. That is; my rabbi, my mashpia, and my parents. All of whom by the way, read my blog and the feedback is positive. Aside for that, no one else should be giving dictations, especially someone who doesn’t know me at all. That’s not to say I don’t listen to advice, criticism, and suggestions from people. I do welcome and accept it, and apply it to my conduct. You however, approached me with a rude tone of accusation and belittlement. Because you believe that I’m not living up to your standards. Such attitude I pay little heed to. If you don’t approve of what I write, the solution is simple

Don’t read it

Go on COL or something


  1. Your Mommy is a female reader. I LOVE the way you write. It lets me inside your head. You have a very unique way of viewing the world around you and a gifted way of describing it in your posts. You see "outside the box," which few people are either willing or able to do. You give people the opportunity to see perspectives they might otherwise miss. I raised you to be a "thinking individual," not a mannequin. You are demonstrating that I did a good job. Thank you for making me and your Tatty proud.

  2. thanks. Should i me embarrassed that my mommy is telling me what a good boy i am in front of the whole world?

  3. Rightly embarrassed...

    I notice what I see to be a contradiction in your words. First you write "I write the way I think and speak", but at the same time you also say "What I write is composed with these few people in mind". Do you blog what you want, or (only) things that are aimed at your reading audience? In other words, is this blog a personal narrative or is it specefic?

    I agree with your viewpoint and good on ya'. Just hoping you could answer.

  4. @ The ThinkerL

    And if the blog is a personal narrative? It's still great to read.

    And if it's specific to some other sort of target audience? It's still great to read.

    Stop thinking so much and just read it. If you can't just read it without making utterly useless comments such as the one above, then see ya later - your somewhat patronising and chauvanistic comment is not welcome here.

  5. staples, i like this post. nicely put.

  6. I love your writing... keep it up. Remember what Lincoln said: you can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but never all of the people all of the time?? or something like that?? from Ms. Gross

  7. Lincoln was a tyrant.
    Just sayin...

    On Topic:
    Good Post !

  8. You honestly think Lincoln was a tyrant? Most tyrants don't believe in the freedoms of the people they "tyrannize," so this would seem an incongruent quote for a tyrant don't you think: "Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world." Now, guess who said that? None other than your "tyrant," Lincoln.

  9. The Thinker: I see no contradiction writing exactly the way i think and speak FOR a target audience, but if you want me to choose one option then it would be the former: I don't start typing and say "hmm I wonder what someone ELSE wants me to write today", though i still hope whatever I do is a good read for them nonetheless.

    Anonymous #1: :) I love having readers like you. I have to vouch for Mr. Thinker though. He just thinks a lot (too much!) about details and specifics, you know, highly analytical (I would get tired!).
    Rock on Anonymous #1. Feisty!

    I don't see how Lincoln was a tyrant in the formal sense of the word. Is it perhaps because he put his foot down and stormed the south with an iron fist? That may have tyrannical aspects to a degree, but what is he hadn't? mind you, he had the opportunity, and was advised to do so, to cancel presidential elections because of the war. He chose to go ahead with elections despite the danger of a change in leadership. Not very tyrannical.

  10. Dear Anonymous(1):

    1) You say "And if the blog is a personal narrative? It's still great to read." I agree. I never said anything to the contrary.

    2) You say "And if it's specific to some other sort of target audience? It's still great to read." I agree there too. I'm just asking because it seems to me that if you're to have a targeted audience it would alter your writing.

    3) There is a reason why I call myself "the thinker". Hmmm, and hmmm again, for my comment evidently was worthy enough of Staples' response. Let me be clear: I follow this blog and I enjoy reading it. That should not diminish my right to ask questions publicly to its' author. (Useless to you? maybe.)

    And about the patronizing and chauvinism, I totally disagree. I did not intend it as such, as it was not taken as such by Staples.
    And with all your attitude, you're really getting me curious as to how you can conjure such a useless comment.

    Not a big deal though; if I knew you had a blog I'd follow you too...

  11. oh, u met my brother? probably not. he's in yr 8, i doubt he knows how to use a tram. and he comes to me whenever he needs money.

  12. uncanny how i have met your brother, but I received no such complaint!
