Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Weekly Detail: My Own Special Kiddush

In the yeshiva here there’s a student w/ autism. He never talks to anyone. People don’t really talk to him. He just sits by himself over a Gemara or some other book all the time. Occasionally I’ll see him w/ one of the shluchim, but for the most part he keeps to himself, never communicating w/ anyone.

On Friday nights when I have to eat in yeshiva (which is three per month) I always make my own Kiddush. He’s always there to take from mine. He takes from me and I say gut Shobbos to him. Then we both wash, take bread, I pour some salt on the table, we both dip and eat. I say gut Shobbos again and ask how his week was and he always says ‘good’. He sit’s right near me though, so obviously he takes from my Kiddush.

Recently I came late. I quickly got a glass and some wine and started. As I was reciting Shalom Aleichem and Aishes Chail, I saw him in the corner of my eye. I realized right then that he had waited for me! There were so many other people making Kiddush, but he wouldn’t take until I made Kiddush for him. It felt really special. No one gets to make Kiddush for him except for me. Every single Shobbos it’s the same drill that only I get to do. It’s my own little merit that no one knows about because nobody notices him that much. But I do, and that’s why I get my own exclusive Kiddush.


  1. Well said... I always have a hard time grapplin g with such people.

  2. Tatty and I love this story...
